Weeberly 出品
From $29.90/month. 7-day free trial.




All you need to know about Inventory Management App
At Weeberly, online sales are convenient. You don’t have to pay for an expensive retail store, spend money on storing inventory levels and incur costs of packaging and shipping. You can sell online with ease in the comfort of your home.
You can import dropshipped products from Wish, AliExpress or Weeberly Marketplace. When you find a product you would like to import you could copy the link and paste on the Weeberly importer. Or even more convenient, anytime you browse on Aliexpress or Wish with our Chrome Extension, the only thing that is required of you is to click on the Weeberly icon and it will be imported automatically.
How to automatically process your order
To ship a product to your client, click “take order” and confirm the order. Every other thing is automatically carried out by Weeberly, including autofill of forms. After you complete the few prompts, your customer’s order will be on its way from the source!
Successful inventory and price management.
There are real-time updates about the price of your product and level of stock, therefore there is no danger of selling an item that is out of stock or beyond retail price.
Product change
Rewrite your products titles, descriptions, images, and prices with ease.
Price change and modification
The Weeberly price modifier tool can help you edit prices all at once to include your choice of profit margin.
Tracking your order
Weeberly collects order tracking information from AliExpress and Wish in other for you to see tracking from your dashboard
Many managers of account
We have included an option for multiple users to assist you in handling your online store. You can select easily add new users and their permission from your dashboard.
You can learn how to enhance your businesses on the Weeberly Blog
Will my Clients know that I am drop shipping?
No, we are not going to tell your clients the source of your products. We did not include that information in your account or give client’s information to third parties. The only time your clients will know you are dropshipping is when you tell them.
What is dropshipping?
Dropshipping gives room for store owners to sell their items to their clients without having stock. When the product is sold you can just purchase it from a dropshipping supplier and ship it directly to the client, therefore, you don’t have to withhold any inventory and you buy the product after selling it.
Why import from AliExpress and Wish?
AliExpress and Wish items are much cheaper than many online stores due to the fact that many of the items are sold directly from the manufacturers. Invariably more profit for you.




