Worry Free Shipping
Free plan available. Additional charges may apply.

关于Worry Free Shipping



Take your worries away
If you ship product you understand errors can happen. Worry Free Shipping was created to eliminate those errors.
Scan Products
We give you the ability to scan the barcodes on your products to ensure every product is correct. If you scan the wrong product, we have a warning that will not let you advance until you accept the error. Need to ship more than one of a single product? No problem, you will not be able to continue without marking the shipment as partial or scanning the second product.
Connect your own carriers
Bring your own rates over to our platform. We support the shipping carriers below:
Endicia (USPS)
Stamps.com (USPS)
Free Stamps.com Account
Everyone who signs up gets a free Stamps.com account. ($15.99 value)
Truly free trial
Our trial is unique. We allow you to import up to 20 orders to test our site. If you do not like our app, you will not be charged. As long as you do not change your plan, there is no auto-renew on our trial.
Returns are a breeze
If a customer is unhappy with their product, we allow you to create a return label right from the order. This return label will always be present on the order for easy record keeping. Our returns manager lets you know the status of every return.
Put orders on hold
Have you ever had an order that you did not want to be shipped? With us all you have to do is mark the order on hold. We even let you enter a reason so everyone knows the issue.
Unlimited stores
On some of our plans you can connect all of your stores. That means all of your orders in one centralized place. No more jumping back and forth between stores.
Ship non orders
Ever need to ship something to a customer but the order has already been fulfilled? We have you covered. With our easy ship non orders page, you can create a label and get the package out the door.




