AI Curator
Savitude 出品
From $9.99/month. 14-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.

关于AI Curator



Current curations include: Women’s ready-to-wear, necklaces and shoes.
Supported Languages: English
Ridiculously easy for you and your guests
AI Curator is the ultimate way for guests to find the optimal pieces for their body shape. Savitude’s AI Curator personalizes fashion and recommends the optimal pieces for their body shape upon entering the site. Shoppers save time and see more personalized options, never missing a perfect opportunity to buy.
How does it work?
Poor fit can be defined by measurements, but more often the core problem is poor choice of clothing silhouette or design elements. That's why we focus on understanding the shape of each wearer in relationship to the cut and drape of the fabric worn.
- Shoppers answer 6 visual questions,
- then Savitude's Knowledge Base and AI technologies automatically curate goods into personalized collections for each shopper’s individual shape and proportion.
- Savitude's easily installed app relies on product information sourced through our cloud-based visual recognition and proprietary classification technology.
- The quiz is easily installed.
- In a national pilot, Savitude demonstrated increased engagement and conversion.
Easy, automated installation.Fully featured
Savitude licenses the AI Curator on a subscription basis to e-tailers, like you. Our cloud-based, machine learning and knowledge base technology refines selections by design detail and recommends optimal outfits.
*Shop reveals personalized recommendations for individual body shapes and proportions. The data from shop enriches future planning and marketing.
*Refine by similar colors, textures, patterns and occasions.
*Accessorized outfits for different occasions. (if you have accessories in your shop)




