Airnauts 出品
$29/month. 30-day free trial.




Extend your store with any kind of data anywhere.
Add the right information in the right places. Now It's up to you where to add an "Additional description" or "Extra images".
Use an interface you know
If you are familiar with the Shopify interface then working with Airfields will be a breeze. We've developed our plugin based on Shopify Polaris, this means that we are using exactly the same interface elements as native Shopify.
Example use cases
Whenever you need to add additional information like downloadable pdf with instructions or any kind of extra data, we are here to help. This is where metafields come into play. Here are a few interesting examples of advantages they could bring to you.
Add optional, downloadable files unique for each product eg warranty cards
Tabs with additional descriptions for each product
Related blog posts or similar products
Assign extra images or even a video for a collection and use it on every product page that belongs to this collection
Build a slider on the homepage with slides containing any type of data eg. image, description, button link and label
Add additional delivery notes to your orders or extra information for invoices
Almost any kind of field at your fingertips.
We've prepared 9 field types so you can build almost anything you need. Airfields empowers your store with new features when it comes to extra data.
Group any number of fields with a Group field
Dynamically add as many eg "Slides" as you need with a Repeater field
Build any kind of form with basic field types like: Integer, Boolean, Text, Textarea or Selection (Checkboxes and Radioboxes)
Take advantage of advanced fields like Email, Phone, URL, Date, Color, WYSiWYG
Pick a Collection that will become a "similar products" with relational fields
Build any kind of relation by relating to product, collection, page, blog, blog post, etc.
Utilize our most advanced field types like HTML or liquid template
Last but not least, add media (Images, YouTube or Vimeo) anywhere you want.
Where you can attach metafields:
You can attach metafields to Products, Variants, Collections, Smart Collections, Customers, Orders, Pages, Blogs, Blog Posts and Globally!




