Bestsellers reSort
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关于Bestsellers reSort



Bestsellers reSort is #1 merchandizing assistant with an extremely analytical mind.
Every day, Bestsellers reSort organizes millions of products for stores of different sizes. Small shops and stores with tens of thousands of products. Daily. Automatically. With full multi-location support.
reSort is the easiest way to generate more revenue & sales by adjusting products order to your needs. It's not a secret that customers take their time to find what they need by simply browsing collections. They start at the top and continue their way down. It's up to you to have your products ordered precisely in a way which makes more sales.
Create a custom order of products for any collection.Exactly how you need it to be.
Every day, reSort analyzes sorting rules you set and re-orders products in selected collections according to these rules. You can set your custom sorting rules globally or individually, per collection.
Automatically sort & order products by:
Revenue generated (for X number of days)
Number of sales (for X number of days)
By Discount (% or $).
Sort by tags. Import/export tags to sort by.
By Date. Sort by publish or creation date.
By Product title.
By Product price.
Random products order
Keep manual sort order and apply your own sorting rules.
Set the number of days for reSort to look back and analyze sales. This timeframe can be set to anything from 1 day to 360 days. Tweak this setting during festive seasons to increase sales and drive more traffic to the winning products.
Organize products in collections even further!
Use different types of products and organize them all. Just set the rules once.
"Featured" Products - manually put them to the top of a collection. Promote seasonal or special items. Set different products per collection.
Promote New Products - put new arrivals to the top of a collection for a specified number of days.
Promote 'Back in Stock' Products - set reSort to consider these products as new. Specify the total quantity or quantity change.
Order Products by Tags - position tagged products within a collection in the order that you need.
Out-of-Stock Products - automatically push them to the bottom of a collection. Set backorders to be considered as in stock or out-of-stock.
Great support!
We love our app, and we want you to love it too. We regularly release new updates and improvements to make reSort even better. If you ever need us, feel free to contact us - our support team is fast, reliable, and to the point!
Every store and collection deserves a custom order of products: the order which generates more sales and presents your inventory in the best possible way to your customer.
Thank you for using Bestsellers reSort!




