Better Canceled Orders
$4.99/month. 5-day free trial.

关于Better Canceled Orders



Placing Orders
By frequently placing an order in your own shop, you can make sure that your checkout process and settings for order processing, inventory, shipping, and taxes are all correct and works smoothly.
Any order that has been immediately canceled and refunded is not paid out or subject to transaction fees. You should place at least one order during your store setup, or whenever you make changes to your payment settings or your checkout flow.
The Problem
If you want to place an order using a real credit card you HAVE to log-in immediately in the Shopify backend to cancel & refund the orders. This process can easily be forgotten and also takes a few minutes, Especially if you place orders from different sales channels
If a new billing cycle starts after you've placed an order but before you cancel it, then you'll be billed for transaction fees.
With this app you just add a list of email addresses. When a new order is created in the Shop the App automatically rolls back and cancels/refunds orders created with emails specified in this app, which makes the whole process of placing orders by yourself or your staff fast and easy and makes it easy to cancel and refund orders from different sales channels
About Kompile
At Kompile our developers are very passionate about the development of Shopify and eCommerce solutions for integration into the customer’s own inventory and ERP system. We are experienced in both Private and Public apps for the Shopify App Store, as well as advanced solutions developed with Liquid.




