Better Product
Big Kids 出品
$9.90/month. 15-day free trial.

关于Better Product



Enhance your product pages with additional informations
Better Product will allow you to ask additional informations from your clients linked to your order or your products.
It's perfect for you if :
You have a product that can be customized with a message or a name.
You want to give a shipping date choice to your customers.
You want to go above the variant limit with extra informations.
You want to deliver only in specific areas or zip code.
You want to give the ability to ask for a gift wrap.
You can drag & drop any custom field from the following ones :
A calendar.
A title or a paragraph.
A text field (small) or a text area (large)
An autocomplete field (good for cities, zipcodes, areas...etc)
A checkbox or a checkbox group
A select field
A number
All of these fields can be displayed or one product, a selection of products, a whole collection or even on the cart page and the contact page. They all have extra features such as a character limit, a mandatory or not selection, a little help text.
And of course, our app is integrated with all native shopify themes, and most of well designed themes (those bought/designed outside of the shopify theme store). It is super easy to install (one click), have a 15 days trial and a strong support theme.
Any questions or specific request, we'll be more than happy to help you with it. Just email us, we can respond in French & English.



