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BookThatApp lets your customers reserve time on your business’s calendar, right on your Shopify site. Now you can offer appointments, classes, rentals, tours, tickets and more all in one place. Customers stay in your shop, and your third-party hassles are over.
Read on below to see some of the features of the App, and remember we offer a free trial so signup and try it out today!
24/7 bookings
Don't make your customers wait for a quote or send an email to enquire about dates. BookThatApp features real-time availability by showing the dates and times that are available right on the product page so that customers are able to book immediately at any time of the day or night.
Mobile ready, responsive design
Your customers shop on the go so your storefront must be ready to sell on any device. BookThatApp’s user interface was designed to intelligently adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions, so your customers can easily find what they’re looking for no matter how they shop.
Custom Booking Rules
With BookThatApp, you have total control over your calendar schedule. You can decide the days and times when you’ll accept new reservations with “Opening Hours” and you can completely restrict specific days (such as public holidays) with “Blackout” settings. You can even specify “Lead Time” and “Lag Time” for rental periods to allow time for shipping items both way
Real-Time Updates
Shoppers want up-to-the-second availability information. No one likes to discover mid-check-out that the last seat or the perfect time-slot’s already long gone. Because BookThatApp is Shopify integrated, it communicates directly with your shop’s product and cart pages. So when booking availability changes (including new openings due to cancellations) BookThatApp updates your inventory immediately.
BookThatApp also comes with the ability to send email and SMS notifications based on the event schedule so you can send reminders before the event starts and a follow up email after the event to get feedback.
Booking Management
BookThatApp’s built-in calendar lets you review your bookings in familiar Daily, Weekly, and Monthly formats, so both short and long range planning are a snap. Plus each booking gets color coded, so you can immediately distinguish between reservations. In addition, there are powerful reporting features that help you optimize your operational workflow.
Complete Shopify Theme Compatibility
Your storefront retains its look and feel with BookThatApp, because BookThatApp supports all of Shopify’s free and paid store themes. From the newest, trending themes to tried-and-true grid or industry-specific layouts, BookThatApp plays nice with them all.
And More
Please visit the App's homepage to see all of our features.



