Bulk Product Prefix & Suffix
$5.99/month. 5-day free trial.

关于Bulk Product Prefix & Suffix



Product Prefix, Suffix & Text Removal App
The app is simple to use and allows you to multi-edit product titles to remove text, append text or prepend text.
The simple and easy to use interface comes in handy for a wide array of case scenarios such as launching a new sale. As an example you can quickly append some product titles with a " - SALE ITEM" piece of text to draw attention. This is very easy to do with this application.
This app is perfect for drawing attention to temporary events, such as offering free shipping for a short period of time. You can mass-edit your product titles with a "FREE - Just Pay Shipping" piece of appended text. After your promotion has ended you can simply come back and quickly remove the text!
Using our app is simple as:
Install and open the application in your store
Choose between prefixing, suffixing or removing text from your products
Enter the replacement text to use
Select products to update on the table below
Verify the changes are accurate, click update and you're done!
Having the ability to easily advertise sales and other promotions can help you towards making more sales and earning more revenue. Try the app today with our free five day trial!




