Cart Insights
onspruce 出品
$4.99/month. 14-day free trial.

关于Cart Insights



View cart contents and customer activity for valuable and actionable insights!
Have you ever wondered what your customers are adding to their carts? As shop owners ourselves, we created Cart Insights for the crucial insights and data that we get when we see exactly what items every shop visitor is adding to their shopping carts.
Shopping cart additions are the first step in a shop's conversion funnel, and knowing what your shoppers are saving in their carts will give you a better understanding of customer behavior, shopping patterns, and product popularity.
Cart Insights is a simple and powerful app, and there is no setup or configuration needed. As soon as it is installed, it will begin saving your shop's customer cart activity so you can view it!
Cart Insights provides much more detail than the admin dashboard's top products lists, abandoned carts, and summaries -- it allows you to view each customer's cart activity. That includes what product variants a customer added to their cart and when, where they were referred from, what page they visited first, whether they reached the checkout stage, what discount code they applied, what shipping destination they entered at checkout, and whether their cart converted into an order. All this is presented in the Cart Insights embedded app so you can refresh and view your shop activity any time. Cart Insights shows variant-specific images of each cart item, so you can see at a glance what colors and styles are most popular.
The optional and configurable emailed Cart Insights Daily Report will become an essential daily review of your shop's customer cart activity. This report arrives when you want it, and it's the perfect resource and daily summary for a busy e-commerce professional!
View each customer's shopping cart contents
See cart item variant-specific images, quantity, and variant details
Simple and intuitive visual UI for fast reporting
For carts that reach checkout, view details including referral site, landing page, discount code, shipping destination, and customer details
See which carts converted into orders
Receive optional daily emailed reports with 24 hour cart activity
Customize when to send the Cart Insights Daily Report
Customize the time zone used for all timestamps in the UI and emailed report




