Categories by BTP
$10/month. 30-day free trial.

关于Categories by BTP



Categories by BTP
Categories by BTP allows you to create a navigation tree using Shopify's smart collections. You can configure your categories via the app's intuitive backend interface and simply include a snippet in your theme to show your newly crafted navigation tree on your storefront!
Create in-depth categories with unlimited nesting to help your customers find products with ease
Multi-layered product categories improves SEO and ranking for specific product searches
Easily drag-and-drop categories to create your hierarchy with no hassle
Adjust settings to automatically add tags to category smart collections for adding products
Easy-to-use and customizable snippets for adding navigation tree and breadcrumbs to your storefront
Easily create categories for yourproducts with virtually no limit!
Shopify is a great platform for any merchant with a product or service to sell. However, one major limitation with Shopify is that lack of a comprehensive categorizing system. While there are apps out there that attempt to add the ability to create multiple categories, they are clunky and difficult to use. Both sides of the purchasing process desire a better system:
Online shoppers need a system that allows them to find what they are looking for quickly and easily while also being mindful of other products that they may be interested in purchasing in addition to their original search
Merchants need a system that easily adapts to changing product offers and services, and is unbounded by technical limitations
Categories by BTP provides the ability to create categories out of Shopify smart collections and gives merchants free reign to customize their product categories to be as deep and intuitive as they want. The system is designed to provide merchants with the following:
Virtually unlimited nesting
Easy-to-use interface
Drag-and-drop new and existing smart collections into categories with a simple click and drag of the mouse
Advanced settings for making the process of adding products to the collections more efficient
Better search engine indexing of your product pages for better SEO
Please note that this application works exclusively with smart collections. If your shop uses custom collections, please visit our FAQ page for instructions on how to convert your existing custom collections to smart collections.



