Duplicate Store
Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

关于Duplicate Store



Convenient and reliable
Our app allows you to, automatically and in a bulk, copy all your Shopify store products, collections, pages, blog posts, customers and orders to another Shopify store. A few clicks and you have all your old store data duplicated into a new one. No technical skills needed.
You can use our service to change your Shopify's store url, to backup your store, clone your store for a testing store, to open stores in new markets with different currencies or languages, etc.
Note: The functionality to export products will not work for stores with more than 3,000 products. The functionality to export collections will not work for stores with more than 10,000 collection products. The functionality to export customers will not work for stores with more than 5,000 customers. And the functionality to export orders will not work for stores with more than 1,000 orders.
What Duplicate Can Copy
Products — Including product images, product variants, inventory and shipping information.
Collections — Including smart and custom collections.
Blog — Including blog posts
Theme (*) — Copies your store design (active theme files) to the new store.
Orders history — Including customers and orders.
Metafields — Including store, product, variants, collections, pages, blog posts, customers and orders metafields.
* - Due to Shopify's API limitations, the app will not be able to copy your navigation menus or the images uploaded through the theme editor (like your logo, your slideshow images, etc.). You will need to re-upload those manually.
Note: If the theme being used originated from the Shopify Theme Store, then a valid purchase of that theme is required for each store account for a valid license to use such theme.
What Duplicate Can't Copy
Installed apps
Store menus
Store settings
Images uploaded through the theme editor (like the logo, slideshow images, etc.)
Successful Copy Guarantee
If you find any issue with the exported data, you won't be charged.
About Us
Duplicate is built by Small Victories. We're a company from Barcelona that has been working with Shopify's platform for the last 8 years, helping thousands of store owners grow their businesses. We have published two successful Shopify Themes: Colors and California and two Shopify Apps: Duplicate and Factory.



