Easy Reports
From $2.99/month. 15-day free trial.

关于Easy Reports



Customize your Shopify orders, products, inventory and customers reports easily
Make reports about your shopify orders, products, inventory and customers in a very easy and customizable way. Select any order, line item, product, variant or customer attribute you might need on your report. Optionally you can add filters for your output data. Easy reports will generate the report for you in seconds! You can select the output format as well. Choose between XLS, CSV and JSON.
Can't find the attribute you need or want to add another export format? Just contact us and we'll add it for you free of charge!
Schedule reports generation
You can also schedule the report generation. Just set the scheduler at the time and frequency you like and easy reports will email your the report
Don't miss any report! Keep them safe in our database
Easy reports will save you all the reports you generate in a secure database. You'll be able to access any report at any time forever!
Upload reports to Google Drive and Google Spreadsheets
Want to keep your reports stored in your Google Drive and access them using Google Spreadsheets? We also provide this functionality! Connect with Google Drive and start uploading your reports there!
Pro plan
The Pro plan allows you to make custom summarized reports about your total sales.
This is the perfect addition to have a clean view of how your business is doing!
About The Company
We provide other social apps and useful utilities for your e-commerce business. Try them out and get started absolutely for free!




