Exact Online Connector
From $25/month. 30-day free trial.

关于Exact Online Connector



Connect your shop with your finance system Exact Online. Orders are automatically processed from Shopify to your Exact Online account as Sales order and/or Sales invoices. Refunds are automatically processed with Exact Online and will end up as a Credit invoice in your Exact Online account.
Based on the subscription that you have with Exact Online additional processes are applied. No need to copy or paste data from Shopify to Exact Online or vice versa. It is fully automated.
Exact Online Accounting
Create a Sales Invoice in Exact Online for each Shopify order
Create a Credit Sales Invoice in Exact Online for each Shopify refund
Exact Online Wholesale Distribution
Create a Sales order and Sales invoice in Exact Online for each Shopify order
Create a Credit Sales Invoice in Exact Online for each Shopify refund
Create a Goods delivery in Exact Online that mutates your Items' stock when a fulfilment comes in
Additional data
In order to create all these entries in Exact Online. Additional data is needed in Exact Online. Every time a new order comes in we will also record this data in Exact Online (if not present):
* Customer data (based on the email address of the customer)
* Product data (based on the SKU of the product)
Setup tax rules per shipping country
Per shipping country it is possible to setup a tax rule. When using Exact Online Accounting it is even possible to setup a Ledger code per country.
Point of Sale
Note that the app is not functioning yet with Point of Sale. We are working on this
Integration with Channable
The app integrates with the Channable App. Orders placed through Channable will be processed properly (including the external order reference)



