Facebook Chat 2.0

关于Facebook Chat 2.0



Facebook Chat 2.0 allows you to embed a chat icon into your store. You can customize its color, add a welcome message and upload your photo to make it personal. (see screenshots)
After your visitors click the icon, a Facebook Messenger window is opened on the side of their screen and they are able to message your Facebook page, while having your page still in front of them.
On iPhone and android phones, clicking the icon takes the visitor into the Facebook messenger application, for a native messaging experience.
You can reply to the messages you get using your Facebook page.
Conversations using Facebook messenger are long lasting, since your customers will read almost every message you send them (in contrast to the 15-20% email open rate).
And the best thing? The app is completely free.
Installation instructions (setup takes just 2 minutes)
Setup a Facebook page and find out what the username of you page is: if https://www.facebook.com/customerdotguru is the URL of your page, your username is "customerdotguru"
Install Facebook Chat 2.0 by clicking the green "GET" button above
Accept Shopify app permissions
Insert your Facebook page username when prompted
Customize the welcome message, upload your photo and customize the icon's color
You're done!
About Customer.guru
At Customer.guru we help businesses treat their customers better. Our main product, Customer.guru Shopify application allows you to track customer satisfaction using Net Promoter Score-based e-mail survey.




