关于Format My Fuzzy CSV



Convert wholesaler CSV's into Shopify bulk import format
Admin panel app
Upload the wholesaler CSV
Provide a mapping of which wholesaler column matches to which Shopify column
Converts the file in seconds for tens of thousands of product!
Shopify bulk import CSV needs one line per variant image
Wholesaler CSV is usually one line per variant with multiple images
The app lets you add up to two images per variant
Wholesaler data is often fuzzy and inaccurate, and the app handles those cases gracefully. The app will try to find products that have the similar product names with added variants such as color and size. If the product names have variant values in them, they will be removed. It works like magic!
If a product has three lines with Color as a variant key:
One line has empty color
One line has Purple
One line has Black
Only the lines 2 and 3 will be included in the resulting CSV.
Even if there are bad data in wholesaler CSV's, bad rows will be dropped so you don't have bad data in your store!
Sometimes the wholesaler data has the variant name in its product name:
product name - Mermaid Charm Anklet Silver
product variant - Color: Silver
product name - Mermaid Charm Anklet Gold
product variant - Color: Gold
The app will smartly recognize that two products are the same, even though the product names are different!
The app can process thousands of items in mere seconds. It is a must have if you run a large scale operation with lots of sources for products! Add thousands of products to your inventory!
Your data is never saved in any persistent way. Your data is held in the servers while the data formatting is performed, and subsequently wiped out. By using this app, you certify that you gained the data you input into the app completely legally. The app is not responsible for any problems associated with the sale of (or lack of) products that came from data formatted by this app.




