From $10/month. 7-day free trial. Additional charges may apply.




FreshCredit is dependent upon your theme. 80% of the time the app works immediately. However, in some cases ,if you have customized your theme, the app may not work. In those cases, contact us and typically in 5 minutes or less we can teach the app to love your theme just as much as you do.FreshCredit now supports any and all languages, contact us to get setup in your local languageWhat is FreshCredit by ByteStand?
FreshCredit is store credit for Shopify. Up until now shop owners had to navigate a complex maze of coupons, points and one time use codes. Simplify that mess with something that everyone understands, cash. Now returns don't have to be lost revenue, but instead a potential for future sales. Encourage shoppers to return to your store with their credit in tow.
Store credit is a right not a privilege, and we've arrived to spread store credit throughout the land.
How does it work?
Our app is embedded in the admin section of your store, works through Shopify, and if you type fast, can be setup in less than one minute. On install we pull all of your customers into FreshCredit. As customers are added, updated and deleted those customers are automatically refreshed in the app as well. Within FreshCredit you can easily update any or all of your customers store credit with just a few clicks.
Don't take our word for it, check out our demo video in this listing.
Checkout our other apps in the app store
ByteStand the easiest way to import Amazon products into Shopify. FBA Shipping automates the fulfillment of your orders through Amazon FBA.




