Glow Rewards & Loyalty
Free plan available. 7-day free trial.

关于Glow Rewards & Loyalty



Customer Loyalty Rewards & Referrals for Shopify Merchants
We built Glow to make it super-easy for Shopify merchants to run a customized loyalty, rewards and referral program without breaking the bank. Glow has all the tools you need to retain customers and gain new customers through referrals - priced fairly and built for ease of use.
3-2-1 Go! Install and Setup in minutes!
Our easy-to-use setup wizard will take you through the steps to get up and running in no time! If you can click, you can have a loyalty program!
Customers login/register through Shopify - SEAMLESS ACCOUNTS!
We utilize the native Shopify login and registration so customers only have to login once! No separate login, no separate registration - easy and seamless!
Translate into ANY LANGUAGE!
You can translate every word of text your customers see! Translate into any language you'd like or change the phrasing to fit your brand's personality.
Glow empowers you to create a rewards program to turn one-time purchasers into life-long customers.
Glow allows you to:
Reward your customers with points (you choose the name)
Setup customer rewards customers can receive
Reward your customers when they refer their friends - either at signup or first order
Each customer can earn points over time and redeem them for rewards you set. You can also reward customers for special events:
Award points at signup
Award points on the customer's birthday
Award points each year on the customer's anniversary of signing up
Award more or less points for specific collections
Award more or less points for specific products
Award a flat number of points based on order criteria
Award points for custom actions via our API
Rewards your customers will love
You can setup whatever type of rewards you'd like with Glow. Out of the box, Glow supports the following reward types:
Percentage (%) Off
Flat amount ($) Off
Free Product
Free Shipping
Redeem points for custom rewards via our API
Glow looks great on your storefront
Glow's slick user interface will look great on your storefront. Fully dynamic and mobile responsive, Glow's customer facing UI gives your customers the tools they need to get the most out of your rewards program on desktop, phone or tablet.
Powerful incentivized referral program
You can reward your customers when they share their referral link - its like having your own affiliate program! Whenever one of their friends uses the link, you can give the original customer points when the friend signs up or places an order - its up to you!
Each customer gets their own referral link
Reward the referring customer
Reward the new customer
Award points on signup or on first order
Prompt users to share after checkout



