From $9.99/month. 7-day free trial.




Do you manage multiple stores or deal with duplicate SKUs?
Let InventorySync update your inventory for you.
InventorySync will update any changes to the inventory based on product SKU. Whether you have duplicate SKUs in different products or duplicate SKUs in different stores, InventorySync will keep them all the same for you.
InventorySync lets you choose a store as a main store where all the inventory data will be coming from. Simply update that store and it will be propagated to all the linked stores. This includes new orders being made in secondary stores as well as when an order is cancelled or refund has been made.
InventorySync will update item quantity in real-time. Easy to setup and will get work right away.
Easily manage inventory in multiple stores
Automatically update inventory based on SKUs
Update multiple store inventory from one main store
New orders will decrement quantity in inventory
Refunds will restock items in inventory
No need for CSV files, importing or exporting files
Simple Setup
InventorySync focuses on automating tasks to minimize unnecssary user interactions.
Setting up is kept very simple. Install the app and InventorySync will start caching your products to improve update speed. Link multiple shops together so InventorySync can keep all your shop inventory consistent.
Need to update products? Just re-index the cache with a click of a button. Everything else is automated.
Wonder if this is right for you? We offer 7 days free trial. Give InventorySync a try!Please note that for multi shop support, InventorySync must be installed in all shops, and linked together through the app.




