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What is PricingBot?
PricingBot is a tool for E-commerce owners to monitor their competitor's prices/product availability.
How does PricingBot help your business?
We find all your competitor's products automatically so you know who you compete with.
Get alerts on price changes.
Get insight and pricing history on all the products you track. You will then understand your competitors' pricing strategy so you can adapt yours.
How long does it take to configure my account?
Literally 30 seconds. Only link your Shopify store and enter your competitor's website. Our robot will do the rest and shoot you an email once everything is setup.
Why is pricing so important?
There are lots of great advice out there to increase conversion rates for online merchants. A great design, a fast website, a great checkout experience, upsells, email marketing, abandoned checkout retargeting… Those things are very important but those strategies won’t have a deep impact on your conversion rates if your pricing is wrong.
There are more and more consumer apps/websites for price comparison with millions of users.
The largest is, of course, Google Shopping, but there are many others like ShoptoList, Price Grabber, … so price is now easy information for the user to find and you can be sure it matters. In fact it matters a lot.
People visiting E-commerce websites are there also to check prices.
Suggestions are great and can significantly improve your average ticket/basket size but do not forget that the customer will first and foremost look at the price.




