Same‑Day Delivery

关于Same‑Day Delivery



Same-day delivery in New York City
More affordable than traditional economy shipping
Same-day fulfillment on all nationwide orders
Tomorrow is too late! Delight your customers with Same-Day Delivery from Packageman.
The Packageman Advantage
We handle fulfillment and delivery and we do it lightning-fast, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business!
Your customers want their order quickly and error-free. Packageman is a one-stop solution for order fulfillment and same-day delivery at a lower cost than most traditional shipping options.
Is the customer outside the same-day delivery range? No problem. Packageman picks and packs all orders for shipment on the same day they’re placed and uses national shipping carriers to reach every corner of the country.
We work with the top national carriers to negotiate lucrative volume shipping discounts, which are then passed on to you for nationwide shipments. Your savings from using Same-Day Delivery rates easily covers the fulfillment fee of your orders.
How It Works
Install the FREE Same-Day Delivery app. It will automatically enable a same-day delivery option in your checkout process. The option will only appear for customers where same-day delivery is available.
Your inventory is housed directly with Packageman, so you never have to worry about the logistics of storing, packing or shipping a product ever again.
When your customer completes a purchase on your website, Packageman automatically receives the order information and handles the rest. It’s hassle-free!
Get Started In a Snap
No developer required! Simply install our FREE app and you’re ready to begin offering same-day delivery.
NOTE: Please contact Packageman before installing the app to ensure same-day delivery is properly configured before your customers begin using it.
Contact us at for more information and to set up your account.
If you don’t use Same-Day Delivery, your competitors will! Don’t get beat in the delivery speed game. Install our FREE app and begin offering same-day delivery today.



