Free plan available. 14-day free trial.




Understand your customers
Learn everything you need to know about your customers' preferences. Customer Loyalty dashboard provides you with a clear intuitive segmentation so you can better understand your customers' behavior.
Take a better look at your products
See which products are doing well and which ones need your attention. The products in the Products dashboard are conveniently grouped by performance for easy monitoring. Managing your products has never been easier!
Receive daily reports
Monitor your store from the convenience of your inbox! SimplyTick Daily Reports will help you monitor the most important statistics, trends and KPIs. Your store's revenue, orders, traffic, bestselling products - all in one place!
Improve your sales performance
Clear reports and easy-to-use control panels will guide your online store success. Get a deeper understanding of the historical and current trends. The Detailed Reports and Sales dashboards will show you all the details.
Packed with features
Compare different periods, analyze historical data.
Receive daily and weekly email reports with the most important information about your store.
View and compare your sales channels performance
Download the most interesting reports and share them with anyone you wish.
Track the total number of sessions, returning visitors, new visitors and unique visitors.
Use in on-the-go - perfect for mobile devices.
All the metrics you need to know at your fingertips!
How does the free trial work?
During the free trial, you will get full access to SimplyTick with no limitations for 14 days. No risk, no obligation and no credit card required. The trial is completely free and we charge you only after we get your confirmation that you want to continue with a paid version. Start your 14 day free trial today!



