Statbox Email Reports
From $5.99/month. 30-day free trial.

关于Statbox Email Reports



Statbox provides daily, weekly and monthly sales performance reports directly to your email. Make data-driven decisions based on your store performance by tracking 14+ enterprise-level analytics and reports on the go.
We don't always have the time to check how our store is performing. Even when we do, there is always a lot of hassle in navigating trough complex dashboards and building custom reports just to get a simple idea about how well our store is performing. Wouldn't it be nice if instead of you going to check the reports, the reports came to you?
This is why we have created Statbox - a simple to use, yet advanced store sales performance reports that you get right in your inbox. There is no dashboards to login to, no filters to apply and nothing to learn - just install the app, add your email address and you are good to go. Our app connects to your store, collects all the data needed, crunches the numbers, measures 14+ metrics and builds custom report just for you. Your custom report is then sent to your email first thing in the morning, so that you are always in the know of how your business is performing.
Product Features
Extremely easy to use
Beautifully designed email template that works and looks great across all devices
Metrics change tracking - compare how every metric changes from your previous report (daily, weekly, monthly)
Track more than 14 eCommerce metrics (like New vs Returning customers and Average Customer Spend)
Best Selling Products for the period - every report comes with the top 3 best selling products from your store for the period
Try it 100% risk-free - all features are included in our free trial
Easy setup - be up and running in less than a minute (no technical knowledge needed)
Timezone aware - reports are generated and sent based on your store's timezone
Share Report - sharing your store reports with your team is as simple as adding their email address to the receiver email list
Report Metrics
Gross sales
Net Sales
Total Sales
Average Order Value
Number of Items Sold
New Customers
Returning Customers
Average Customer Spend
Number of Orders
Discounted Amount
Number of Discounts
Refunded Amount
Number of Refunds
Bestselling products of the day/week/month (top 3)
Change from the previous day/week/month for each metric
How it works
Statbox is very simple to use - just install the app and activate the free trial plan. After that, just enter the email addresses that you would like to receive the report to, and you are ready to go!
You can easily share the reports with anyone on your team without the need to provide them access to your Shopify account.




