Stream Alerts
$8.99/month. 14-day free trial.

关于Stream Alerts



Stream Alerts takes your Shopify sales and allows you to create an alert browser source for your stream or create a separate alert system for your partner streamers, so you, and your partners can share the excitement and gratitude to your audience!!
We also keep track of your orders that happen off stream so they appear on stream! Never miss an order alert with our system!
How does it help?
Social proof with alerts encourages more sales.
The instant gratitude by streamer when a product is made will entice others to buy.
The viewer is attracted to purchase while a stream is going on for attention.
Showcase what products are bought.
Show products that viewers may not have seen
What can I customize?
Alert size
Alert duration
Alert Position
Where the message appears (above, below, left or right of picture)
The message of the alert! Show the products' names or your customers' First Name appear!
Change Font color
Change Font style, and size
Full Sound Customization, even upload your own!
Multi Alert system
Create a separate alert system for each partner.
Share the alert to your partner, and they can customize to their liking.
Organize your alert systems by renaming if need be.
Your partners are happy, their viewers are happy, and you collect a profit.
How do I get started?
Install our app on this page.
Go to your Store's Admin page to Apps and click on Stream Alerts
Set the settings to what you would like.
Test the settings.
Copy the URL into a browser source in your broadcasting software!
Wait for the sales to roll in!




