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Easily set up rules for automatic tagging of your orders and customers.
TagRobot allows you to organize and streamline your management of orders as well as segment
your customers directly within the admin area of your store.
When handling and fulfilling different types of orders, TagRobot is your intuitive, handy and flexible solution that makes
your management team happier and more effective.
Working within your existing admin interface, you can filter your orders and customers by tags and save those applied filters as searches
for future use. This provides a simple and effective way to work with order and customer segments.
Tags for orders and customers are also available inside your store's notification templates (including Order Printer), so you
can make your notifications more personal based on the tags, you have deemed appropriate for your store and your
How does TagRobot work?
Once you've defined a set of tagging rules using TagRobot, each new order placed in your store will be analyzed against each
of your tagging rules. If the order matches any of the rule conditions, that order will be tagged as specified in the
A preview of the tagging rules available in TagRobot:
Apply or remove tags for order or customer when any order is placed
Apply or remove tags for order or customer when an order is placed with a note from the customer
Apply or remove tags for order or customer if the customer has certain tags
Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on an order's quantity, subtotal, total or discount value
Apply or remove tags for order or customer when an order requires shipping
Apply or remove tags for order or customer orders for the first or nth time
Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on an order's shipping country or zone
Apply or remove tags for order or customer when an order is paid using a gift card
Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on any discount codes used
Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on the ordered products, variants, tags, collections or types
Apply or remove tags for order or customer based on the ordered products being out of stock
Apply rules to past orders
As well as tagging new orders automatically, you can also apply your rules to past orders. TagRobot provides you with the
ability to quickly organize your customers into groups using tags. For example: you want to generate a list of all customers
who have ordered a particular product. Simply set the rule, apply it to past orders and those customers will be tagged.
Have an idea for a specific rule or custom feature?
We are constantly adding new rules and features to TagRobot and we welcome new ideas. Please get in touch to discuss further.



