Variants on collection page
$29.99/month. 7-day free trial.

关于Variants on collection page



Our application displays product variants as separate products on collection pages. Our solution is dedicated to merchants who would like to show all variants (styles, colors etc) of their product directly on a collection page and link them to a single product which contains all product options (variants).
If you wish to use our app with a 3rd party filter app we will need to install additional code manually to make the apps work together. Once you install our app please disable it on the "Settings" page and contact our support team at: . Please provide the name of your store (web address) and the front-end password if your store is unpublished. Our support team will install required modifications within 24 hours.
How does it work
Our app automatically detects product variants and images assigned to your products. Based on a variant image and a variant name it displays product variants as separate products on a collection page.
An image needs to be assigned to a variant in order to display it as a separate product on a collection page.
Variants displayed on a collection page have unique names composed of: product name & variant name
When a visitor clicks a product variant on a collection page your store redirects to a product page with a variant parameter included in the URL.
Our app doesn't create separate product for each variant and it works with collection pages only.
In addition all products within a collection load automatically. The pagination links simply disappear.
You can choose variants to be displayed for each collection.
There is no coding required. The app installs automatically.
The benefits
If you offer products in various colors it's a big limitation to show only one image of each product on a collection page. With our app you can promote all variants directly on your collection pages and increase the chance that your customers will find what they are looking for. Show color variants on your collection pages as separate products.




