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From $10/month. 14-day free trial.




Zinevoice - Downloadable Invoices
Zinevoice Downloadable Invoices creates sales opportunities and loyal customers through customized invoices & receipts all in a beautiful magazine style. Shopify Notification emails are among the most opened emails. Leverage this opportunity with delivering professionally created, customized invoices and receipts that extend your customer’s life cycle. Zinevoice improves your invoices by including Product Recommendations, Thank You notes, Coupon Codes and more. Provide B2B customers with a PDF invoice that can be printed for tax purposes. Print in bulk effortlessly to save time in your busy day.
Top Features You Must Leverage:
Provide customers with PDF of beautifully designed invoice or receipt - great for B2B customers who need to print for tax purposes
Select multiple orders at the end of your business day and Bulk Print / Batch Print in an instant to save a ton of time
Customize invoice and receipt designs with your required language, currency, colors and font - save these designs as Custom Templates for future use
Create multiple Custom Templates to use for different use cases and customer groups
Product images included on invoices & receipts
Unlock your next sales opportunity with customized recommended products on your invoices
Create a positive impression of your business by showcasing your gratitude with a Thank You note
Add products to invoices and receipts that aren't in original order or even listed in your store
Automate the process of including more on your Invoices and Receipts such as Product Recommendations, Coupon Codes, Thank You notes and more
One time quick set-up with no coding skills required
Zinevoice runs in the background alongside your Shopify Store with no effort
How it Works:
Once you install, you’ll immediately receive a free 14 day trial with full access to all the features listed. To continue leveraging customized invoices & receipts, you have the option to upgrade to one of our monthly subscriptions plan.
Our simple pricing depends exclusively on the number of orders you process per month. If you ever find Zinevoice isn’t the right fit for your business, simply uninstall the app from your Shopify store and you will no longer receive a charge.
Premium Customer Support for Every User
We believe that a great app requires great customer support. We are available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm EST through a live, one-on-one in-App chat. So if you have any questions or feedback regarding our app, we are ready.



